EP 169 Pre Surgery Nutrition Game Plan to Level Up Your Bariatric Surgery

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HOST: Bariatric Dietitian Dr. Susan Mitchell 


What if you could get a ‘leg up’ on your bariatric surgery? If you had a nutrition game plan to put into action before surgery to boost your chances of success even more. Bariatric surgery is a terrific tool to help you lose weight and so much more. The surgery can improve blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease called MASLD in the medical world. It’s basically an umbrella term for medical conditions tied to a buildup of fat in the liver. You may have heard of fatty liver.

Surgery is just one of the spokes in the wheel to success. Hand in hand with surgery is your lifestyle, particularly nutrition and your willingness to make changes that become part of the way you live from now on. I’ll share a five step nutrition game plan. Follow it ahead of your surgery to put yourself in the best possible position for a successful outcome. And if you’ve already had surgery, use this game plan as a check list to see how you’re doing and what you might tweak a bit.

Visit Procarenow.com for all of your vitamin, calcium and protein needs. Use Code: Susan10 to save some money

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sheet pan dinners https://bit.ly/3IgGtpK


tracking apps:

Nutritionix Track https://www.nutritionix.com/app 

Lose It! https://loseit.com

My Fitness Pal https://www.myfitnesspal.com


episodes mentioned:

EP 147 how to find the added sugars in your food

EP 53 must have vitamin-mineral supplements part 1

EP 54 must have vitamin-mineral supplements part 2


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