#103 Bariatric Nutrition Q & A #10: Your Questions Answered

bariatric surgery success podcast

HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr.

Susan Mitchell 


Do you ever feel that food is getting stuck in your throat or GI tract since you’ve had surgery? What can you do about this discomfort? Bariatric dietitians Gayle and Isabel join me with workable answers and tips on this episode of Bariatric Surgery Success.

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Bariatric Dietitian Isabel Maples, RD

Fauquier Health Weight Loss Surgery

Email: [email protected]

[email protected] 

Gayle Brazzi Smith MS, RDN, CSOWM, LDN

Registered & Licensed Dietitian

Email: [email protected]

Website: OrlandoHealth.com/Bariatrics  

Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery Institute

It’s so uncomfortable when you feel like food is stuck in your throat or your gastrointestinal or GI track. After surgery, I imagine this feeling is even worse. In today's episode we talk about and answer a lot of questions and topics including:

  1. Why does food get stuck and does it vary with the type of surgery?
  2. The 3 spots that food seems to get stuck along the road from "bite to belly".
  3. Speed of eating and mindfulness for prevention.
  4. Three digestive comfort tips that work to ease this stuck feeling.
  5. Size of bites
  6. Pauses
  7. Should you use meat tenderizer to help?
  8. How to moisten food and with what?
  9. Practice before surgery
  10. Reflux meds

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