EP 166 6 Nutrition Benefits of Bariatric-Friendly Leafy Greens

#leafygreens bariatric supplements bariatric surgery success podcast bariatric vitamins & minerals bariatric-friendly recipes

HOST: Bariatric Dietitian Dr. Susan Mitchell 


Leafy greens feel so light and airy so you don’t necessarily think of them as being a nutrition powerhouse. But they are! Leafy greens make the who’s who list when it comes to nutrition. And they’re bariatric friendly. Coming up are six nutrition benefits of leafy greens you’ll want to take advantage of now in your bariatric lifestyle.

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RESOURCES: sheet pan dinners https://bit.ly/3IgGtpK


  • Leafy greens are a nutrition powerhouse and offer numerous health benefits, making them a smart choice for a bariatric lifestyle.
  • The fat-soluble vitamins in leafy greens are best absorbed when eaten with a little fat, and vitamin K consumption specifically thru leafy greens should be managed for individuals on anticoagulant medication.
  • Leafy greens contain minerals and fiber, are low in calories and natural sugars, and provide significant levels of bioactive compounds that protect DNA and promote overall health

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