#156 Are You Kidding Me? Bariatric Tips that are Total Nonsense

bariatric surgery success podcast

HOST: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dr. Susan Mitchell 


Not a day goes by that I don’t read some nutrition tip or hear about some product for bariatric surgery and say to myself… are you kidding me…this is such nonsense. And then I really get frustrated because you, my community, are likely reading this baloney too and maybe believing it. Bariatric dietitian Isabel Maples joins me to cut thru the crap. We’re picking some of the worse offenders and setting the story straight so you can make smart decisions.

Podcast Guest: 

Bariatric Dietitian Isabel Maples, RD

Bariatric Coordinator

UVA Health in Haymarket, Virginia

Email: [email protected] 


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One of the things that frustrates me most for our bariatric community is the crap nutrition information on the Internet promising all kinds of miracles and delivering zero. In my Facebook group, I answer a lot of questions about this baloney. I’m not talking baloney you eat either but the baloney or pseudo science you’re constantly feed online. So today, we take on at least six current pieces of baloney and deliver some science-smart information so you can make decisions baked on fact not hype.

Topics we'll dig into include:

  1. keto diet
  2. intermittent fasting 
  3. black castor oil for hair loss
  4. biotin and hair loss
  5. permanently slow metabolism after WLS
  6. collagen powder


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