EP 176 Beyond the Surgery: Smart Eating for Bariatric Success

#cravings #smart eating #weight regain bariatric surgery success podcast

HOST: Bariatric Dietitian Dr. Susan Mitchell 






“I don’t want to regain weight. I’m not so sure that I want to go back to a regular diet either. What if my cravings come back?” I hear you and I hear this a lot. These questions are totally valid. How do you eat for long term success after bariatric surgery? Let’s go beyond the surgery and look at 7 smart-eating tips for bariatric success now and down the road. 


FREEBIE: Protein: 10 tips that work daily for a successful journey 

Helpful podcast episodes:

Can’t Poop? Add these 7 foods to your diet 

Conquering the Big C: Constipation after WLS 

Can you really eat carbs? 


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Tips discussed in depth:

  1. become aware of the size of your bites
  2. ditch the grazing
  3. divide food into 3 meals + 1-2 snacks
  4. eat protein first
  5. deep dive on protein
  6. choose smart carbs
  7. focus on fluids

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